I'm talking about doing the dishes.
Cruel and unusual punishment forced upon you for committing the crime of being an adult and getting to do all the fun adult things.
They sit there, waiting. Mocking you. They know you hate them, but they also know you can't avoid them forever.
It's your birthday - dishes will still be there.
It's your anniversary - dishes are waiting.
You're sick - dishes will have to be done when you're better, and they're just going to get worse!
I live with two others (boys), and we've assigned certain chores to certain people.I have drawn dishes...(vacuuming and taking out the trash were the other choices). I say I drew dishes, but truthfully, I selected my own torture. I've tried to let the boys do the dishes in the past, but they can't seem to do them right. I know I've heard that men are supposed to be better at spatial things and puzzles of that sort, figuring out how machines/tools work, but these guys cannot load a dishwasher to save their lives!
Alas, I must step in. I'm fairly familiar with the dishwasher. When I was growing up and living at home, I actually enjoyed doing the dishes. But while growing up, I also learned that doing things poorly means mom will step in and say "Stop! You're doing it wrong...oh, never mind I'll just do it" *grumble grumble grumble*
So, boys, I'm onto you.
A sad fact of being an adult is that you now have limited immediate contacts; fewer people to pawn your chores off to. No more, "Hey little sister - I'll give you $2 if you do the dishes for me tonight". Just doesn't seem to have the same effect on your boyfriend, and you'll definitely have to up the ante in the compensation department.
FYI, this is exactly what I look like when doing the dishes~
Adulthood: full of daily, tortuous punishment.
So, I've tried to make doing the dishes more entertaining, or at least, more tolerable, by trying to find the perfect dish washing tool.
I have two handled sponges, because obviously just one won't do.
One of these:
and one of these:
I like each of them equally, though I'm not ready to say I'll form a lifelong commitment. I've still got an eye out for the next one - newer, stronger, easier. Not to mention my phobia of sponge germs. I have always hated sponges...they sit there, brewing bacteriums in lukewarm water covered in old food and germs. I can't use a standard sponge (can't bring myself to touch it without gloves, gross!), which is why I'm so fond of the "dish wands". When I learned that sponges could be sanitized in the microwave, I did a little happy dance (no, seriously).
Side note, I like to use these:
to clean the sink/kitchen counters/etc. When I do the dishes, it tends to spark a cleaning streak and I go off and sanitize the kitchen.
Dear Dishes,
I hate your stinking guts. You make me vomit. You are the scum between my toes.