90-95% of the time I am a positive person. I like to find the good in a situation and roll with it. I'm annoying like that. I'm also a morning person. Go ahead, you can hate me. I wake up perky, given that I get my 8 hours.
Today is different. I had a miserable night last night in which I failed a final and subsequently failed the class. When I say failed, I mean I BOMBED it. I still just don't understand HOW. I read the chapters she assigned each week, I re-read the three she said they would focus on directly before taking the final, I even made NOTE CARDS. I emailed her about a re-take explaining that I am in fact not a moron and did study and got a too bad, so sad response. I know that it was a shot in the dark but I figured what could it hurt. Only my feelings apparently. The icing on the shit cake is that I took the first half of this class last quarter, didn't even open the book once (I know, I know) and got a C. Not an amazing grade but, passing, unlike last nights.
Also, upon waking up and moving around I managed to slam four of my five toes into the wall and stub them. They still hurt and its been a good thirty minutes. I ordered pizza last night and it was nowhere near as good as the hour and a half wait had me thinking it would be. I only got about 6 hours of sleep before my body decided to say WAKE UP CALL!!
Above all the biggest thing I'm mad/scared about is that I have a Doctor's appointment that could change my life in two hours. Everything is just weighing on me and I feel like I have no way to be positive. Adulthood is scary especially when you're facing it alone.
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